On: February 11, 2019     By: Catherine J. Petersen

Exporters: Review the ACE Reports of Your AESDirect Filings

Even if your company isn’t doing its own Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing through AESDirect, you should set up an ACE account so you can obtain and examine the ACE reports for your exports. Too many exporters have discovered problems with EEI filings that use their company's tax ID number.

On: February 4, 2019     By: David Noah

Who Is the FPPI and Why Are They Important?

The Foreign Trade Regulations detail when your electronic export information (EEI) must be filed through AES, and it outlines responsibilities for all the parties in the export. Therefore, the definition of each party needs to be precise including the Foreign Principal Party in Interest (FPPI).

On: January 30, 2019     By: David Noah

USPPI vs. Exporter: What's the Difference?

Many people use the terms exporter and U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) interchangeably, but that's not completely accurate. While an exporter may or may not be the USPPI in an export transaction, the USPPI is always an exporter. Make sure you understand the difference between the two terms.

On: January 21, 2019     By: David Noah

Export Compliance During a Government Shutdown

Part of complying with US export regulations is making sure you aren't doing business with anyone on any of the government's many restricted party lists. That has become more difficult to do with the government shutdown. Fortunately, there are other options you can choose to perform your screenings.

On: October 24, 2018     By: David Noah

10 Terms You Need to Know When Determining Export Compliance

Export compliance isn't one big thing—it's a million little things. That’s why it’s important to make sure you have a solid understanding of the the components. If you miss one, you could set off a chain reaction. Here are 10 terms you need to know to build a solid understanding of compliance.

On: September 26, 2018     By: David Noah

Surviving an Export Compliance Audit: 3 Key Steps

Of course you never want to face an export compliance audit by the U.S. Office of Export Enforcement, the FBI, or some other government agency. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't plan for one. Here are three key steps your company should follow to plan for — and survive — an audit.

On: September 24, 2018     By: Catherine J. Petersen

Export License Requirements: Understanding Dual-Use Products

U.S. export regulations apply to items that may be manufactured for commercial purposes but which may be used or can be modified and used for military or terrorism purposes. These are considered dual-use goods and may require an export license before they can be exported or re-exported.

On: July 30, 2018     By: Mary K. McCormick

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) forbids payments to foreign officials to attract or keep business. In the early years, criminal prosecutions under the FCPA were few and far between. That has changed.


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