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A New Approach to World Trade Month 2020

On: April 6, 2020    |    By: David Noah David Noah    |    2 min. read

World Trade Month 2020 Revised | Shipping SolutionsThe world can change quite a bit in just a couple weeks.

Two weeks ago there were nearly 50 events listed on the World Trade Month calendar for May 2020. Most of them were live, local, in-person events scheduled in various locations across the United States. Today, most of those live events have been cancelled, postponed or taken online.

While COVID-19 has made public events dangerous and impractical, those of us involved in international trade still need to stay informed about the changing world of imports and exports.

World Trade Month Webinars

That's why the World Trade Month Association has shifted gears and is lining up a series of information-rich online webinars. So far we've scheduled an event on nearly every business day during the month of May. You can visit the events calendar now to read more about some of the events and follow the links for more information and to register.

While you're at the World Trade Month website, make sure to sign up for the email newsletter to be notified as additional events are added.

Free Webinar Highlights

Most of the webinars included on the website are free to attend. They include:

  • Creating International Sales Contracts—Monday, May 4.
  • Chambers of Commerce and Certificates of Origin—Tuesday, May 5.
  • An Updated Global Business Forecast—Friday, May 8.
  • An Introduction to Shipping Dangerous Goods—Tuesday, May 26.

Other topics that will be added soon include an explanation of the different types of bills of lading, managing currency exchange rates in a fluctuating currency market, and an update on U.S. trade remedies.

In addition to all the free webinars, there are many other reasonably priced events on topics such as Incoterms 2020 rules, letters of credit, strategies for dealing with supply chain disruptions, and ATA Carnets. Visit the World Trade Month website for all the details.

Adding World Trade Month Events

There's still plenty of time to add more international-trade-related events to the World Trade Month calendar. If your organization is sponsoring an import-export event in May, you can add it to the Events Calendar by completing the registration form on the World Trade Month Association website. All submissions are subject to review and approval by the Association. There is no charge for the listing.


David Noah

About the Author: David Noah

David Noah is the founder and president of Shipping Solutions, the #1 selling export documentation software that develops and sells export documentation and compliance software targeted at U.S. companies that export. David is a frequent speaker on export documentation and compliance issues and has published several articles on the topic.

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