Government export regulations prohibit trade with specific individuals, companies, institutions and organizations. Instead of publishing all these names of denied parties in a single list, each government department and agency with jurisdiction over exports publishes their own list, which means there are dozens of lists to check!
By using our Restricted Party Screening Wizard, you can check all the U.S. lists—as well as the United Nations list, European Union list, and lists from several other countries—at one time and in just seconds.
Complete this form and we’ll send you a temporary password, so you can log in and try the Restricted Party Screening Wizard and all our other Trade Wizards for yourself. There’s no obligation.
Shipping Solutions
A Division of InterMart, Inc.
1400 Corporate Center Curve
Suite #130
Eagan, MN 55121
Phone: 651-905-1727
Fax: 651-905-1827
Toll Free: 888-890-7447