The question and answer format is used for simplicity and ease of understanding.
A: The acronym means International commerce terms.
A: Incoterms are the official International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) rules for the explanation of trade terms. Incoterms are administered by the ICC in Paris and are adhered to by all major trading nations of the world. Incoterms are the authoritative text for determining how costs and risks are allocated to the parties conducting international transactions.
A: Incoterms facilitate the conduct of international business by defining the responsibilities of the involved participants.
A: Incoterms help establish and execute an international transaction by defining distinct obligations and responsibilities between buyers and sellers. The buyer's and seller's agreement to use a particular Incoterm pursuant to the international transaction will by definition have implications for other services needed to perform the transaction such as contracts of carriage, insurance and payment.
A: Incoterms provide a set of rules for the interpretation of commonly used trade terms in foreign trade. Reference to Incoterms in a sales contract defines clearly the parties' respective obligations and responsibilities thereby reducing the risk of multi-jurisdictional legal complications.
A: Differences in trading practices and legal interpretations between traders of different countries necessitated a need for a common set of rules. These rules needed to be easy to understand by all of the participants in order to prevent misunderstandings, disputes and litigation.
A: Incoterms were first created in 1936 and were designated Incoterms 1936.
A: Incoterms have evolved into the codified worldwide contractual standard and are periodically updated with the progressive evolution of international trade. Amendments and additions were made in 1953, 1967, 1976, 1980, 2000, 2010 and 2020. Presently, Incoterms 2020 govern transactions beginning January 1, 2020, reflecting changes in security procedures instituted in response to a more dangerous world.
A: Incoterms 2010 reduced the number of terms from 13 to 11 and organizes them by the mode of transportation. That organization continues with the 2020 terms:
Group |
Terms |
Any mode of transport |
Sea and inland waterway transport |
A: The complete set consists of 11 Incoterms.
A: There are obligations and responsibilities for the seller and the buyer defined under each of the Incoterms. When a seller and a buyer agree to employ a particular Incoterm, each accepts the corresponding obligations and responsibilities as clearly set forth and defined under that particular Incoterm.
A: The 11 Incoterms are shown below:
A: The International Trade Blog has published several articles related to Incoterms 2020. Here are some of the most popular:
This article was first published in March 2010, and has been updated to include current information, links and formatting.
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