If you do a lot of exporting to places like the Bahamas or Jamaica (see below for a full list of CARICOM countries), you have probably completed a CARICOM Invoice. Shipping Solutions export software helps you create a CARICOM Invoice quickly, easily and accurately.
To complete a CARICOM Invoice you will need to enter information on the following EZ Start screens:
On the EZ Start-Contacts screen enter the Exporter and Ultimate Consignee. They will show up in the Seller and Consignee boxes, respectively, on the CARICOM Invoice.
On the EZ Start-Product Detail screen, enter the Product Description, Quantity, Unit Price, Extended Price and Net Weight in the top section of the screen. The net weight should be entered in pounds, and it will be converted to kilograms on the CARICOM Invoice. In the Bill of Lading section at the bottom on the Product Detail screen, enter the Number of Packages and Type of Packages.
Enter the Mode of Transport and Port of Export.
On the EZ Start-Invoices screen enter the Order Number and Country of Ultimate Destination. Also enter any fees such as Handling Fees and Insurance Fees.
Complete all the fields on the EZ Start-Caricom Invoice screen. The signature assigned to your Profile will appear on the document, but you can override it on this screen. The title associated with the signature will display if there is one. Otherwise, the title on the Exporter record on the EZ Start-Contacts screen will print.
On the Tools tab there is a Customize Documents tree. If you open that tree and click on CARICOM Invoice you can change the number of unit price digits that print on the CARICOM invoice as well as the format for the invoice date. You can also assign a printer that is different than your default printer.
To learn more about the CARICOM Invoice check out this blog post: You Need a CARICOM Invoice (Even Way Down in Kokomo). You can also download a sample CARICOM Invoice from our website.
The CARICOM member states are: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.
This article was first published in July 2015, and it has been updated to include current information and formatting.