Shipping Solutions is the easy way to file through AESDirect via the ACE Portal.
This video explains the data requirements for an AES filing and walks you through how to log into ACE, upload your Electronic Export Information (EEI), and complete the steps to receive your ITN number.
Welcome to Shipping Solutions Export Documentation and Compliance Software!
As an exporter, you are probably required to file your export information electronically through the Automated Export System (AES). If you’re filing yourself, you might be going to the ACE platform and retyping all your export shipment information manually. Or, if you’re paying a third party like your freight forwarder to file on your behalf, you’re probably paying between $50 and $125 per shipment. Also, the U.S. Foreign Trade Regulations make you liable for the accuracy of the information that gets filed through AES even if you are paying a third party to file on your behalf. The best way to make sure accurate information gets filed is to do it yourself, and Shipping Solutions makes it easy!
So, let’s get started.
In order to successfully file your Electronic Export Information with AESDirect, first go to the EZ Start tab and enter the required data on the Contacts, Product Detail, Carriers and Ports, and EEI screens.
On the Contacts screen enter the Exporter or the USPPI. The fields I have filled in are the ones required for an AESDirect filing: Company, Address 1, City, State, Postal Code, Tax ID Number, Tax ID Type, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, and Phone Number.
Then enter the Ultimate Consignee. These are the required fields: Company, Address 1, City, Country, UC Type, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name and Phone Number. A postal code is required for shipments to Puerto Rico, and a state code is required for shipments to Mexico and Puerto Rico.
If you have a Freight Forwarder or Intermediate Consignee, enter them next. They are not required, but if you have them, the Freight Forwarder has the same data requirements as the USPPI or Exporter, and the Intermediate Consignee has the same data requirements as the Ultimate Consignee.
Next, go to the Product Detail screen and enter the items in your shipment. These fields are required for AESDirect filing: Extended Price, Schedule B Code, Sched B Description, AES Quantity 1, AES Unit of Measure 1, Gross Weight, Origin, Export Code, License No./Exemption, License Type.
If your item requires an export license, you will also need to fill in the ECCN.
If your item is a vehicle, click the AES Vehicle tab and fill in the required information.
Now, click the Carriers and Ports screen. Enter your Mode of Transport. An Exporting Carrier and Port of Export are also required. If this was an ocean shipment the Port of Unloading would also be required. Shipping Solutions has databases pre-populated with the AES codes needed for your exporting carrier and ports of export, so you can easily find those codes in Shipping Solutions.
Lastly, click on the EEI-Electronic Export Information (AES) screen. All of the fields in the top section of the screen are required, although you do not need to fill in the Foreign Trade Zone, Import Entry Number or the four checkboxes if they don’t apply to your shipment.
This is the box where your ITN number will be copied so that it will appear on your Shippers Letters of Instruction and bills of lading.
Click the AES button on the EZ Start tab.
Because we have entered all the information required for an AESDirect filing, it says “All AES data is complete.” If we were missing anything, it would tell us what is missing and what Shipping Solutions screen to enter it on.
Second, click the Login tab and click the Trade/PGA User Login button. Enter your email address and password. Check your email for the Security Token and enter it on the screen. Accept the terms. Click the Accounts tab. Then choose Exporter in the Account Type drop-down list and click Go.
Then click back over to the Shipment tab and click the Create Filing button.
It will take a few seconds for the data to be populated in the Export Filing screen. There are four different screens: Step 1: Shipment, 2: Parties, 3: Commodities and 4: Transportation.
Once the data is loaded, click the Submit Filing button.
I got the "thumbs up" from AESDirect saying my shipment was accepted.
Now I’m taken to the Shipment Manager screen. Here you will be able to see the status of all your submissions from newest to oldest. As you can see, here is my Accepted shipment and ITN number. It will also be sent via email. I’m going to copy the number and paste it here so it will appear on my Shippers letter of instruction and bill of lading. You do need to type "AES" in front of the number.
And now we’ll preview the SLI, and the number appears here.
So, as you can see, it’s easy and straightforward to file your AESDirect information using Shipping Solutions software.
For more information, give us a call or visit our website. Thank you for watching!
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This article was first published in February 2016 and has been updated to include current information, links and formatting.