2020 was a year that no one could have anticipated. Covid-19 caused the world economy to shrink up to 5%. United States GDP had its worst contraction since 1947. Port congestion ran high around the world, shipping rates soared, and certain carriers even stopped accepting freight for particular lanes.
It’s no wonder that the World Trade Organization estimates global trade fell 9.2% last year.
The worst is (hopefully) behind us, but questions remain. How much of a recovery can we expect this year? When will rates go back to normal? Will Covid leave a legacy of free trade or foster greater protectionism?
Join Helen Mann as she reviews the state of global trade and economic growth since the coronavirus pandemic first hit. In this one-hour webinar, we’ll talk about what happened to the economy (both in the United States and abroad), whether trade has recovered, and what the future holds for importers and exporters.
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