The first list shows the most viewed posts on our entire International Trade Blog. The second list shows the most viewed posts written specifically for our Shipping Solutions customers.
The top blog post from the International Trade Blog has to do with classifying your products. This seems to be a perenial issue for exporters since several different posts on product classification have made the top ten lists!
Whether you are classifying your products using HS, HTS, Schedule B, or ECCN codes, if product classification is an issue for you, check out articles #1, #8 and #9 on the International Trade Blog top ten list and #2 and #6 on the Shipping Solutions top ten list.
The top post of 2017 from the Shipping Solutions blog discusses the Israeli Certificate of Origin. Although there are rumors that the green form is going away, it is currently still required. The blog post tells you where you can purchase the certificate and gives more details on how to fill it out.
Take a look at both lists and see if you share some of the same interests as our thousands of other readers. If you've missed any of these popular posts, now is the time to catch up before we move on to 2018!
Thank you for reading our Shipping Solutions International Trade Blog in 2017! All of us here at Shipping Solutions wish you a very Happy New Year!