Free Webinar:
Ask Me Anything: Filing Your Export Information through AES
Experts answer questions about filing through the Automated Export System (AES)
You’ve probably attended training or webinars about filing Electronic Export Information (EEI) through AESDirect on the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) portal. But you usually don’t get much time to ask questions in those formats.
In this Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, we turned the traditional webinar on its head. Attendees were able to ask experts questions, to guide the direction of the webinar, on anything related to AES. Chances are they asked something you can learn from!
We’re featuring Kiesha Downs, Chief of the Trade Regulations Branch, and Eric Gauthier, Supervisor at the Trade Data Collection Branch, both part of the Economic Management Division at the U.S. Census Bureau. They answer questions about everything in the AES universe including the filing requirements as outlined in the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR), as well as questions about the actual process of filing through the ACE portal.
Who Should Attend
Anyone in your company who is responsible for filing.
Anyone who coordinates with a freight forwarder who files on your behalf or on behalf of the buyer.
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